Every person has a different journey through therapy. This is largely dependent on the nature of why they are coming in and what it is that they are hoping to get out of sessions. Some people come to see a psychologist to develop coping strategies to reduce or manage symptoms of mental illness. This type of work can be short to medium term, but might also involve checking in less frequently over the longer-term to deal with setbacks or prevent relapse. Other people come to therapy to understand long-standing patterns (such as relationship issues) or to receive ongoing support. This type of work tends to happen over an extended period of time, although again, this is dependent on client preferences. Although problems and challenges are typically what bring people to a psychologist (at least initially), therapy can also be a space forself-development and growth.
The most important phase of any student’s life when he/she is to decide which path is right. Not parents, not friends but you need someone who could help you in your decision making.